Q: There’s been such a tremendous interest in reach codes throughout the state in the past year or two. What are the factors you think most responsible for this interest?
A: Many jurisdictions across California have enacted Climate Action Plans in the past several years. This, coupled with the advances we’ve seen in the Building Efficiency Standards (Title 24), the evolution of CALgreen, and the long-term strategic plan adopted at the state level, have provided an environment in which communities are able to identify and implement standards that will be effective, both in terms of costs as well as outcomes, in achieving the CAP targets.
Q: How does a jurisdiction identify the right reach code?
A: As each jurisdiction is unique, there is no “cookie cutter” approach to identifying the most effective reach codes, but there is definitely a range of effective options. These include ordinances in any of the following program areas:
· Energy efficiency
· Electric ready
· Renewable energy generation
· Energy + Water efficiency
Q: How does a jurisdiction identify the right reach code?
A: There are quite a few organizations and many resources available to help! The Statewide Reach Codes Program is just one of them, and we are very pleased to collaborate with cities and counties to help them develop the best code package possible, given the demographics of their community, the concerns of their stakeholders, and the targets defined in their specific CAPs. Visit localenergycodes.com to take a look at all the resources available, or email us at info@localenergycodes.com