The Path to Electrification
In 2018, the Santa Cruz City Council adopted a Climate Emergency Resolution, followed by adoption of a Green New Deal resolution in 2019, aiming to accelerate action on aggressive greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions throughout the city. In support of these resolutions, in the fall of 2019, City Council directed staff to explore options for building electrification policies and return with options for City Council to consider.
Staff conducted an extensive series of community outreach events, including workshops for the general community, developer roundtables, a city council study session, and coffee talks with trades professionals, vendors, designers, and builders. After compiling input from stakeholders and research on approaches, staff presented City Council with two options in February 2020. Option A proposed a prohibition on natural gas infrastructure in all new construction except for specific exemptions as part of the City’s municipal health and safety code. Option B focused on adding reach code provisions to the City’s Building Energy Code mandating electric-preferred infrastructure. After exploring the cost-effectiveness of each option as well as the projected emissions reductions from each approach, the City Council determined that a natural gas prohibition in new construction offered more potential to produce greater results for the City.