August 2022

Reach Code News Brief: August 2022

Energy Commission Approves Reach Codes for both County and City of Santa Clara

Adopted reach codes city seals (County of Santa Clara, City of Santa Clara)

At its August 10, 2022 Business Meeting, the California Energy Commission approved two reach codes submitted by the County and City of Santa Clara respectively. These will likely be the final two reach codes for the 2019 code cycle, which saw a total of 48 local jurisdiction reach codes submitted and approved by the Commission.

Highlights of the reach codes include:

County of Santa Clara

  • All-electric building required for single-family, ADUs, low- and high-rise residential new construction
  • Prewiring for installation of battery storage of at least 5 kWh for single family, ADUs and low-rise residential
  • Solar PV for high-rise residential and nonresidential buildings
  • EV charging infrastructure for new construction of single family and townhouses, multifamily, nonresidential non-office, and office buildings

City of Santa Clara

  • All-electric building required for all types of new construction and additions or improvements where more than 50% of exterior walls are either removed or wall plate height raised
  • Solar PV for new multi-family, nonresidential and hotel/motel construction (minimum of 3 kWh system for less than 10,000 ft2; 5 kWh system for 10,000 ft2 or greater)

Visitors can browse our website for detailed information about adopted reach codes throughout the state (map view or the adopted ordinances list).

Updates to Now Include 2022 Code Cycle Resources

The statewide reach codes team has been working to update the website to include 2022 code cycle reach codes information.

Adopted ordinances linked to the 2022 code are now included on the interactive map. The website also includes a new "Adopted Ordinances" page that offers interactive search and sort functionality to make finding specific measures or types of measures faster. The Resources page now offers a wide range of 2022-specific material, including some cost-effectiveness studies, model language and checklists, fact sheets and implementation resources. Updates continue on an ongoing basis.

The Adopted Ordinances list is still available for download as a static PDF file. The 2019 adopted ordinances list is still available for download as well, here.

adopted ordinances screenshot

Upcoming Events


September 13 3C-REN webinar. Heat Pump Fundamentals: Space Conditioning and Water Heating

September 14: Energy Commission Monthly Business Meeting

September 14-16: Net Zero Conference. Los Angeles.

September 15: BayREN Regional Forum: Building Performance Standards:  A Tool to Decarbonize Existing Buildings

September 21-22: 13th Annual California Climate & Energy Forum: Accelerating Climate Action & Advancing Justice. San Diego.

September 22: BayREN Training: Heat Pump Water Heaters for Contractors

September 27: Reach Codes Newcomers Webinar Series. Session 5: Implementation

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Reach Code Newcomers Welcome Sign

Reach Codes Corner: Wrapping Up the Newcomers Webinar Series Next Month with a Look at Implementation

This column is a monthly feature focusing on specific topics of interest to newcomers to the reach code development community.

The product of a successful collaboration between the Statewide Reach Codes Program, BayREN, and the California Climate and Energy Collaborative, the Newcomers webinar series will conclude in September with an overview of reach code implementation. With more than 1100 registrants, the series took deep dives into all aspects of the reach code development and adoption process, with sessions on process and timing, cost-effectiveness analyses, and ordinance options.

“The team decided to conclude the series with a look at the special issues surrounding implementation,” notes Misti Bruceri, Program Coordinator and Technical Lead for the Statewide Program, “with the 2022 Energy Code effective date rapidly approaching, we expect that local jurisdictions will have questions about how to implement their reach codes and we wanted to provide guidance.”

The September session, scheduled for Tuesday, September 27, 2022 from 10:00-11:30 am, will explore tools and approaches being used by jurisdictions as well as numerous resources, including checklists, training modules, and FAQs developed for the 2019 code cycle that will be adapted for use in the 2022 cycle. “We’re still developing the content,” notes Karen Kristiansson, Program Manager, BayREN Codes & Standards, “so we would love to hear from registrants about specific aspects where additional insights would be valuable.”

To register for the final session, visit the Statewide Reach Codes Program website or the BayREN website. To submit questions or topics for inclusion in the webinar, please email

Previous webinar recordings are available on our YouTube channel and webinar presentations can be downloaded from the Events listings for each webinar on

Image of a portable induction cooktop unit

Learning about Induction Technologies: An Overview of Statewide Loaner Programs

In our February issue, we featured a Q&A column with Chef Christopher Galarza about all-electric kitchens. A key component to achieving this in the kitchen was the use of induction cooktops.

Now, numerous local jurisdictions, utilities and CCAs are offering induction cooktop loaner programs to offer residential and commercial customers the opportunity to 'test drive' this technology at no cost. These programs can be vital to creating stakeholder consensus when developing reach code measures for all-electric new construction or existing buildings under the 2022 code cycle.

Typically, the loaner programs include the use of an induction kit, which may include a portable cooktop, an induction-compatible pot, an instruction packet, and educational materials. Kits may also include magnets so the user can test their existing cookware for compatibility. Often, the program also includes free shipping.

The list below is not inclusive but provides a snapshot of existing programs:

Some local library systems that have tool and equipment lending services, such as Sacramento's,  may also offer induction cooktop loaner kits that can be checked out by library patrons.

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This program is funded by California utility customers and administered by Pacific Gas and Electric Company, San Diego Gas & Electric Company (SDG&E®) and Southern California Edison Company under the auspices of the California Public Utilities Commission and in support of the California Energy Commission.

© 2021 Pacific Gas and Electric Company, San Diego Gas and Electric Company and Southern California Edison.

All rights reserved, except that this document may be used, copied, and distributed without modification.

Other Reach Code News Briefs

  • SDGE - A Sempra Energy Utility
  • Southern California Edison - An EDISON INTERNATIONAL® Company
  • PG&E Corporation

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SDGE - A Sempra Energy Utility
Southern California Edison - An EDISON INTERNATIONAL® Company
PG&E Corporation